Enforced Disappearance in Southeast Asia

In this episode with Wulan Kusuma Wardhani and Celia Sevilla, we will talk about the cases of enforced disappearance in Indonesia and the Philippines, mechanisms for dealing with enforced disappearances, and what kind of regional solidarity that we need to tackle this issue.

Transcript Coming Soon



On Media Freedom and Public Journalism

Bonnibel Rambatan talks to Evi Mariani, Project Multatuli’s co-founder, about what media freedom means and what the ideals of public journalism are, and how we can keep up a good fight despite the increasing threats to our freedom of expression in Southeast Asia.

Media Work as Resistance

A graphic summary of New Naratif’s study of media freedom in Southeast Asia, drawn from media workers’ experiences and challenges.

Indonesia’s Police Brutality & Media Freedom

In this episode, Bonnibel Rambatan, Fadiyah Alaidrus, and Ade Wahyudin talk about Indonesia’s police brutality and its effect on media freedom, police reform and other related policy advocacies, and how we can contribute to creating change.

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